Pain And Loss

“Lo, there do I see my Father
Lo, there do I see my Mother and
my Brothers and my Sisters.

Lo, there do I see the line of my people back to the beginning
Lo, they do call me.
They bid me take my place among them in the halls of Valhalla,
where thine enemies have been vanquished.

Where the brave shall live forever.
Nor shall we mourn, but rejoice for those that have died, a glorious death.”

Thank you, Kirby.
For being a part of my life, and influence on my person,
and for always making sure I am safe.

Thank you, for doing what you thought best for your daughter,
your people, and strangers. Forever in this community, will you be
celebrated, and cared for.

Thank you Goddess, for allowing me to meet such a person.
Thank you Goddess, for giving them life.
Thank you Goddess, and may you watch over them,
as they pass through the summer-fields, to the tree of life.
May he find his people, those before him, the ancestors that
came before him.

Hello and Well-Met!

Hello my readers and friends!

I want to drop a little update, since today, and yesterday, I was silent – I have a wedding, tomorrow, to attend! A spring wedding, with a wonderful couple of wonderful friends, so I will be gone again, for a full day. So, here’s to wishing everyone well.

Our Spring here, in the Wiccan household has gotten a rough start, but things will become better as time goes along, this I know. I finally went to the doctor, and I have an appointment in April. Hopefully, everything will go smoothly, and only problems that I previously had, are persistent.

Sorry that this is so late at night, but this is a small opening I have to write. Otherwise, all is well! Everyone have a good night, and day tomorrow, filled with sunshine.

Blessed Be.

Wiccan Winds’ Haul!

Good Day and Blessed Be!

When I was younger, I was taught that Wicca is the worship of Satan and his satanic followers in a place that I believe, doesn’t exist. It was drilled into me constantly, that these things they ritualized and followed, were articles of grief and sin. However, I’ve come to understand whilst growing up, that these things aren’t the truth. So I searched, researched, and taught myself that these people, with the religion that I follow now, are kind souls, with warm hearts and open minds.

I decided, with a little from the return of taxes, that I’d take a small shopping trip down into the downtown area of the place that I live, and to my surprise? I found many new age shops, with open doors and welcoming smiles. It was almost liberating, to feel no oppression, or feel shamed. I am happy with my craft, my friends, and I am happy about myself.

Thankfully, I can say that I love the metaphysical and spiritual discovery that I am under-going.

So, in my shopping yesterday, I can say that I found a few things to dress my new alter with, aside from finding a new and improved alter cloth. There are things now that I am able to mark from my small list of items to purchase.

  • Statue of the Goddess drawing down the moon.
  • Healing stones and Quartz crystals.
  • Sage.
  • Necklace, shaped like my new statue.

The day, was a good, and blessed day, as I hope everyone else had, in all honesty. There is still a lot more, like books and other objects that I need to collect, but slowly and surely. If anyone has suggestions, I’d love to hear them.

Blessed Be! ♥

Sometimes, we begin anew.

Life doesn’t always afford us safety and peace, sometimes we lose the footing upon the path that we are set to follow, and we tumble. I had lost my way, in what I was hoping to accomplish and achieve, with a previous blog, and now I restart.

I once more begin this path, but from a new prospective, starting over to learn all the knowledge I’ve lost, and to gain new knowledge, all the same. I will be sharing my experiences, my thoughts, and my dreams and what I learn, here.

Be safe, be humble, and blessed be.

Moving forward, with Wiccan Winds.

Not did I believe, that I would be so heavily inspired…

To do something of this nature, with my life and moving forward with a choice in religion as I have now, committed myself to this fully. Spurred on by a need to believe in something, but not just anything. I was touched, by a friend, whom has returned me to my beautiful goddess and the way that I wished my life to be, beforehand. In love, and light, we walk forward now, into the curious.

Be brave, and strong, and hearty, but have humility, understanding, and compassion for those around us. I believe we do good, for ourselves and for others – welcome, to the Wiccan Winds. May ye be carried to safe, and warm lands.

So, now that I have that out of the way; I want to say that our discord is fully functioning and that we are up and running as a community. Just admins at the moment, but that’s okay, the ranks will begin to fill out and the discord with soak up knowledge and prosperity between members and guest.

Our goal is not to shove religion down one’s throat, but to inspire, and answer questions, help those that wish to seek knowledge, learn. And, to educate the curious about our ways, and religion. So guest, feel safe and those that wish to seek knowledge and become one of our own? Flourish.

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