Ostara/Spring Equinox Invocation.

Ouroborus tells us the beginning has no end
Alpha and Omega-all reside within.
Pisces swims beyond the veil,
Aries on the rise.
Mars becomes the focal point,
capturing the prize.
The moon slips through her mansions,
dancing in the signs,
stars are fixed yet active treasures of the mind.
The air is filled with harmony,
Of plant and blood, and bud,
each egg foretells the birthing
of peace, and joy, and love.
Persephone emerges as winter falls away
Mother Earth rejoices-
her daughter’s company to stay.
As days grow long and nights are warm,
the Goddess reigns supreme,
Her power rises in my blood, I command all things unseen.
Magick symbols, knots and cords,
wand and staff and blade,
earth and water, fire and air,
become the Witch’s trade.
I am the ground, the sea, the sky,
the breezes springtime sweet
gods and spirits dance the round,
within this circle meet.
I conjure thee, O leaves of spring,
hyacinth and myrtle,
roses, lilacs, lavender
black earth, warm and fertile.
Gifts of Gaia, Green Man rule
good fortune roots within my world
prosperity is born!

-Solitary Witch, by Silver Ravenwolf.


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