Clearing up misconceptions and attitudes.


I know it has been a while since this has been updated; I understand that many of our readers or few, might have left.

I want to give my most sincere apologies, because I feel as if I’ve let others down – I let myself down, as I visited the darkest portion of myself, and was caught in a rut for so long. Today I’ve decided to begin anew, to jump back into the practice, to settle that new spark into its place.

The second writer of this blog, she and I are no longer connect, but her works were amazing and so they will stay as previous post. From here on out, it’ll be just me – the Wiccan. I’ll attempt to fill in some of her role and in life, I wish them well. She’s been going through things. Even if she and I, are not friends any longer, I wish nothing for her, but success and wholeness.

Druid, if you ever come across this again – may the Goddess protect you, and give you hope in your dark hours.

Hey, hi!

So sorry I’ve been gone, life smacked face first into me, but I’m back now.  New post will be incoming here, shortly.

Being a witch on low energy, low time, you name it…

Not having enough time to do anything is bad enough, no matter what it is. When you have enough time but lack the energy….to me is one of the worst feelings in the world. Sure, you might convince yourself now that you need the self care time, and you most definitely deserve it! But when I convince myself that I don’t need to do something, I end up regretting it for far longer than it would have taken to actually do it.

Take witchcraft as a whole, for instance. I can argue that the Gods and Goddesses don’t require worship or dedication, that they can get along just fine, as they have for millennia. But a sensible me says that I require it. My soul requires love and care, and worship, dedication and rituals are some things that make me feel truly happy and loved, not to mention powerful. When I skip that special time, for whatever reason, whether it was valid or an excuse, eventually I regret it.

It’s easy enough to say “Make the time to do it.” or “Just do it robotically…” but it’s never enough for me. I’m not gonna load this blog up on my personal issues, but I will say that baby steps always have, and always will work. A little work slowly will benefit you in the long run than expending all your energy on a solitary lavish ritual that only happens once in your life. Light a candle, bless a stone…take several blankets outside and make a fort and watch the moon rise with steaming mugs of hot chocolate…. (that sounds really nice, actually..)

The hard part would be using this theory to the more mundane parts of my life……Wish me luck! ❤ maebyt

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