Colorful Warmth; Candle Magick Cont.


Planet Association: Jupiter
Astrological Signs(s): Sagittarius, Pisces

The color of spiritual well being, and healing, blue keeps it calm and neutral, a gentle cool color that invokes the opposite of violence, and anger. A soothing element to decorate your home in, to establish the zen of peace and harmony.

The color represents loyalty, and water, and is the element of the West – as well, as being used to help satisfy indecisiveness, nervousness, or the inability to think clearly.  A blue candle will also help you overcome trauma, and help with overcoming additions and clear the atmosphere of traumatic experiences and negativity from arguing.

There are many different shades of blue however, and what shade you use, will determine the outcome, like the deeper blues, are better for dealing with legal matters, wisdom, royalty, protection, and include Devotion, honor, and loyalty. While lighter shades can promote clear communication, and inspiration, all blue provides protection, peace, and harmony.

Recommended to use a deeper blues on Thursdays, and lighter blues on Monday, and darker, deeper shades on Saturday.; it depends on the hue of the color, for different shades of blue exudes different energies. However, many consider Royal Blue belonging to Jupiter. When working with blue, you might want to include sodalite, lapis lazuli, and blue lace agate.


Planet Association: Jupiter, Neptune
Astrological Sign(s): Sagittarius, Pisces

Among all of the colors, that we can physically see, purple happens to be this writer’s favorite, along with the cool tones of blue – as they are almost one, in the same. Purple is brought to us, through the mixture of red, and blue – it is exciting, and calming, both at the same time. A joyous color, that once I painted my room, back in my old home with. I do miss that room terribly sometimes, the calming and collective experiences I had with that color.

Purple, especially in candles, can be used to help aid meditation, and enhancing psychic ability, along with having visions and scrying, divination. As a meditative aid, it also helps with finding past-life awakening, astral travel, fortune telling, ancient wisdom. Purple is a good agent for helping also, to remove curses, healing and enthusiasm, idealism, financial affairs, success in business and material wealth.

Power and supremacy, royalty, sovereignty, dignity, ambition, control, command, mastery, and honor, this color is oft used to promote Royalty, and influencing people in powerful positions. It also represents things like judgement and religious thought.

When needing to use a purple candle for psychic power, use it on a Monday, during a full Moon, when the moon is at a strong point. Otherwise, Purple’s energy is best used on Thursday, with amethyst, sugilite, peacock ore, purple kunzite, and purple fluorite.


Planet Association: Moon
Astrological Sign(s): Cancer

Pristine and balanced, white is a clear color for healing, and purification; a balance of combination of all colors, white reflects light, and has very little, to no ability to absorb light. To use a white candle, means to invoke the Moon, and her lunar energy. All colors, are derived from white, which represents truth, blessings, purity and chastity. A power energy, for protection against negative energy.

The Goddess’ color, female portion of the God, and the ancient mother, it heals emotions and relieves tension, and helps to aid in meditation. Truth, harmony, and wholeness of the spirit, white candles can provide, along with birth, marriage and welcoming rituals. The symbol of all life, a creative source of all color.

Working with white candles, should be on a Monday, with diamonds, clear crystals, or moonstones and other white, polished stones.


Planet Association: Saturn
Astrological Signs(s): Capricorn, Aquarius

Dark of the Moon, though not dark in thought, Black is a robust color that offers thick energy that absorbs and removes negative spells, and repels black magic. It gives protection against evil, and while a lot of time, black is associated with darker magics, this isn’t the case. In fact, black is quite the opposite – it helps with protection rituals, and might offer a path to a deeper, meditative state.

Cardinal color, of the North, it represents winter and rebirth, destroying bad habits and also is used to unblock energies. Time and change, it can help support healing of deep loss and grief, while healing bad illnesses, and banishing bad magic. It is sophisticated, and while foreboding, can offer a sense of deeper peace, while in meditation; in representation, black represents the Crone, and the unconscious.

Black also is an influencer of self-control over urges, endurance, and patience; be careful however, used wrongly, black is very powerful. It can create chaos, trouble, and confusion, along with terrible, strong hexes and destruction – be careful, when using black candles.

Best used on a waning moon, on a Saturday with the patron planet in a strong place, with jet and obsidian.

Here you have, cardinal colors – and their meanings. I apologize if this took me so long to deliver on and I’ll likely update the post with more information, or add post with other colors later on. However, this took a long time to finish and I wanted to get the post out, so I could move on to different things.

Blessed Be my friends!

Hey, hi!

So sorry I’ve been gone, life smacked face first into me, but I’m back now.  New post will be incoming here, shortly.

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