Colorful Warmth; Candle Magick.

Colorful Candles and Their Significance.


Every witch or practitioner should know the importance of color, to magical practice and what each color represents. Cultures dating back to Neolithic time periods, have used color in ritual, magick, religion, and every day life to promote health, happiness, success, and prosperity for oneself or others. In example, ancient Egyptian techniques of diagnosing and treating aliments and illnesses, corresponded with colors available in their natural environment.

Color is a form of light vibrational energy, which affects us on various, different levels; subconsciously, we react in knowing, to each different color, already. Soft, cooling colors calm, and soothe anxiety, and stress. While hot colors, like reds and oranges, mean passion and stimulates more active senses. Color, be it candle or your immediate surroundings, is often thought of as a key that fits in a lock, and behind this lock, is a certain place within your mind, the subconscious, that affects your entire being. Color, turns this key and helps formulate the reactions that you feel, towards these certain colors. Each color presents a Planetary Influence, and / or one of the four elements, here on earth; such as Earth, Fire, Air, and Water.

Planet Association: Mars
Astrological Sign(s): Aries, Scorpio

Red is a vibrant, passionate color that spews strong vibrations for health, energy, vigor, and is associated with the element of Fire and heat. It represents passion and deep affection, courage, strength, faith, joy, summertime, leadership and many more (Some more adult meanings as well, but I wish to keep this blog clean, so adults? I will allow you to use your mind or simply look it up for further information).

Red however, used in reverse, can be used for revenge, and represents anger, and scorn. If used wrongly in a spell, or incantation, red is harmful, willful, used to incite wars, anarchy, and cruelty. Hence, it being attached to Mars, the God of War.

On a different level though, red is well received in spells, invocations, and incantations that ward of harm, and help protect again psychic attacks, and can be used to bolster self confidence. You can use red candles for fast action, ambition, being assertive, drive, sports – a lot of physical activity.

Red is best used on the day it is associated with; Tuesday, with a waxing moon phase; it is recommended to also use agate, red jasper, garnet, pyrite, ruby, red tiger’s eye, and / or obsidian. A word of warning, as red is a powerful color.


Plant Association: The Sun
Astrological Sign(s): Leo

Orange is a strong combination of yellow, and red, so as you use this color in ritual or magick, you draw from both energies at the same time. Orange, when used in spells, helps attract success (Business, career, and otherwise), prosperity, wonderful fortune, good luck, and attracting other individuals in good means. It is assertive, outgoing and encourages fun, while energizing your system.

The sun-color is the present of  pride, courage, heroism, among many other things that do with personal matters, involving law, friendships, family, and personal statue. It attunes itself to warmth, like red, but with the wisdom of yellow, for spirit and will, personal strength; also used to promote balance.

In spells, you use orange candles to bring yourself success and joy, while aiding in the achievement of goals and helps cleanse negative spaces, and attitudes. Use it to inspire emotional healing on a personal level with yourself or friends, and help with communication. Working with Orange, is best on Sunday, with the Sun is strongly placed; recommend using amber, agate, or carnelian in correspondence with spell work.


Planet Association: Mercury
Astrological Sign(s): Gemini, Virgo

The color that represents intellect, and creativity, Yellow – a strong, willful color of the mind. Yellow vibrations are often loud, as the color, is loud as well; bright, vibrant. It attracts and stimulates the more deepest parts of our natural thought processes and promotes happiness, along with creative thoughts, and focus. Energy abundant, the color of the God.

This bright color helps symbolize healing, prosperity, beauty, intellect, intuition, self-esteem, and success. Association with yellow also helps with focus, concentration, logic and learning, as well as creativity, improved memory and helps to improve visualizations. Use yellow in your everyday life, to help with the vibrations that offer confidence, attractiveness, and optimistic outlooks.

Candles in yellow, rule over gossip and jealousy, and slanderous words, bit also rule over interviews, brothers and sisters, neighbors, rumors and thefts. Yellow can be used, as a means for astral travel, to overcome addictions , and used to help cure feeling lonely, or helpless and depressed. It gives off the color of trust and charm, and good to help with meditative states, and for best results with anything pertaining to intellect and communication; do this work, on a Wednesday. Recommended used with yellow jasper, yellow calcite, golden tiger’s eye and citrine.


Planet Association: Venus
Astrological Sign(s): Taurus, Libra

Renewal, natural growth and fertility, rejuvenation and harmony, along with balance and reproduction, Green is a gentle color. It’s soft hue reminds us of spring, after the last snowfall, and the cold is beginning to wane; when the Crone, becomes a Maiden once again and the cycle begins anew.

Green heralds a time of abundance, and new life, excellent for building wealth, or finding new employment, and prosperity in your pocket. It also brings good vibrations of self-love, and offering wealth to others, as it is the symbol of generosity, and charity; green stimulates good change, and growth. To things considered garden, crops, your finances, or just the green bills in your purse or billfold. It is a positive energy, to help bring good luck, in your own space, or workplace.

Green candles associate with all of the above notions, but also are used to counteract jealousy, and green, but is also helpful in communication with mother nature, and fairies, as well as good luck and sometimes, healing. Associated with Earth, green is the matronly color of the Goddess. As well as being the color of Venus, whom is the planet of love, and sympathy, empathy for those in plight. So, using green candles, will help with planet magicks, prosperity, and growth both financial and otherwise. Working with green energy, should take place on a waxing moon phase, on a Friday, with jade, aventurine, peridot of course, and green tourmaline.


To be continued, as this is a lot of information! ->

Being a witch on low energy, low time, you name it…

Not having enough time to do anything is bad enough, no matter what it is. When you have enough time but lack the energy….to me is one of the worst feelings in the world. Sure, you might convince yourself now that you need the self care time, and you most definitely deserve it! But when I convince myself that I don’t need to do something, I end up regretting it for far longer than it would have taken to actually do it.

Take witchcraft as a whole, for instance. I can argue that the Gods and Goddesses don’t require worship or dedication, that they can get along just fine, as they have for millennia. But a sensible me says that I require it. My soul requires love and care, and worship, dedication and rituals are some things that make me feel truly happy and loved, not to mention powerful. When I skip that special time, for whatever reason, whether it was valid or an excuse, eventually I regret it.

It’s easy enough to say “Make the time to do it.” or “Just do it robotically…” but it’s never enough for me. I’m not gonna load this blog up on my personal issues, but I will say that baby steps always have, and always will work. A little work slowly will benefit you in the long run than expending all your energy on a solitary lavish ritual that only happens once in your life. Light a candle, bless a stone…take several blankets outside and make a fort and watch the moon rise with steaming mugs of hot chocolate…. (that sounds really nice, actually..)

The hard part would be using this theory to the more mundane parts of my life……Wish me luck! ❤ maebyt

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