Sometimes, we begin anew.

Life doesn’t always afford us safety and peace, sometimes we lose the footing upon the path that we are set to follow, and we tumble. I had lost my way, in what I was hoping to accomplish and achieve, with a previous blog, and now I restart.

I once more begin this path, but from a new prospective, starting over to learn all the knowledge I’ve lost, and to gain new knowledge, all the same. I will be sharing my experiences, my thoughts, and my dreams and what I learn, here.

Be safe, be humble, and blessed be.

Moving forward, with Wiccan Winds.

Not did I believe, that I would be so heavily inspired…

To do something of this nature, with my life and moving forward with a choice in religion as I have now, committed myself to this fully. Spurred on by a need to believe in something, but not just anything. I was touched, by a friend, whom has returned me to my beautiful goddess and the way that I wished my life to be, beforehand. In love, and light, we walk forward now, into the curious.

Be brave, and strong, and hearty, but have humility, understanding, and compassion for those around us. I believe we do good, for ourselves and for others – welcome, to the Wiccan Winds. May ye be carried to safe, and warm lands.

So, now that I have that out of the way; I want to say that our discord is fully functioning and that we are up and running as a community. Just admins at the moment, but that’s okay, the ranks will begin to fill out and the discord with soak up knowledge and prosperity between members and guest.

Our goal is not to shove religion down one’s throat, but to inspire, and answer questions, help those that wish to seek knowledge, learn. And, to educate the curious about our ways, and religion. So guest, feel safe and those that wish to seek knowledge and become one of our own? Flourish.

In Winters past

Salem, Mass

During the last days of Winter, I usually look forward to Imbolc and Ostara like milestones. I look so forward to Winter but by New Year’s, I’m ready for Spring. I like every season except for High Summer.

One such Imbolc brought me to Salem, to stand with the coven of my mentor. I’d held a seat on their outer circle for a while, and I was excited to visit Salem with them. It was my first time there, and it was NOT what I thought it’d be. As you know, Imbolc is February 1st and Salem is only really busy during the month of October. So it isn’t really a stretch to say that we had the town pretty much to ourselves, almost worthy of the title “Ghost Town”.

I want to say this is somewhere around the year 2004-2006. We were going to stand at the lighthouse and do a ritual observing Yemaya, the Goddess of the Sea. I remember we all carried a melon to toss into the water as a gift.

It was so cold, and we were dressed up in our witchy gear. We were required to wear sea colors for this particular occasion. I wore a dress I had worked on the night before, and warm clothes under that, so I looked like a puffy blueberry. Regardless, the energy of that place and our magick combined was incredible. The wind was merciless, and yet the few people that were out for a walk stopped and watched us. I was afraid that they were angry but they were genuinely in awe of us.

We paid our homage to Yemaya and moved on, taking the circle with us. We also stopped at the graveyard, where all of the poor souls of the trials were buried. Witch or no, we paid our respects, slowly. A male witch tapped his staff at each grave once the name was spoken aloud.

After all this, we stopped for a bite to eat, all of us sitting at the biggest table at the Beerworks. Our energy was high after all that walking outside and food in our bellies. As silly as I might sound, I felt really and truly grateful for this group of witches, for this experience I might never have had if I wasn’t open to it. ❤ maebyt

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